Kategoriarkiv: Nyheter
(desember 2022)

Webinar 22. feb. 2023: Second Generation of Eurocode 7 – Basis of Design and how the influence of Groundwater is incorporated in the new code

Eurocode 7 is known as the European standard for geotechnical engineering design and is widely...

OsloMet masterstudier i geoteknikk og smart vannteknologi fra høsten 2023

OsloMet tilbyr nye spesialiseringer i geoteknikk og smart vannteknologi på masterstudiet i bygg – sivilingeniør...

28th EYGEC 4th to 7th of October 2023 – Moscow, Russia

Russian Society for Soil Mechanics, Geotechnics and Foundation Engineering is pleasured to announce the 28th...

ISSMGE News & Information Circular – DECEMBER 2022

ISSMGE News & Information Circular DECEMBER 2022 See the ISSMGE website – http://www.issmge.org/ for full...

Peleveiledningen 2019 – revidert korrigendum tilgjengelig

Revisjon 01 av korrigendum for Peleveiledningen 2019 er tilgjengelig her, og under «Publikasjoner»->»Veiledninger»->»Peleveiledningen».

ISSMGE News & Information Circular – NOVEMBER 2022


ISSMGE Europe Special Event invitation – 22nd to the 24th of November.

  Dear ISSMGE national society president and secretaries, As you are all aware, the first...

NGM2024 – save the date!

To our dear Nordic Geotechnical Societies, The Swedish geotechnical society invites you to Sweden and...

ISSMGE News & Information Circular NOVEMBER 2022

See the ISSMGE website – http://www.issmge.org/ for full details of all ISSMGE activities. This circular...

Deep Dry Mixing – Ongoing Research Projects in Scandinavia, 24th. of November, 2022 (Thursday) TIME: 12:00 to 16:00

Several research projects on soil stabilisation have recently started in Sweden and Norway. To facilitate...