ARE WE OVERDESIGNING? – a chance to benchmark your company’s design methods

The Corporate Associates Presidential Group of the ISSMGE is running a survey on design practices.  The survey consists of ten everyday geotechnical design problems (footings, slopes, piles, etc.) on two soil profiles, sand and clay for which field and laboratory test results are provided.  Participants are invited to submit their designs for as many or as few of the problems as they choose.  The results from across the world will be compared and the preliminary findings will be presented at the Asian Regional Conference in Taipei in October 2019.  A full analysis of the results will be presented at the International Conference in Sydney, 2021.

Participating in this survey provides companies with an ideal opportunity to benchmark their design practices against those used in other parts of the world.  How conservative are your design procedures or, on the flip side, how close are you sailing to the wind?  We encourage all members of the ISSMGE to participate in the survey.

Details of the survey can be found on the ISSMGE web site at  The closing date for the results to be published at the Asian Regional Conference is 2nd August 2019.  However, we will be able to incorporate responses received after this date into the final report for Sydney 2021.