ISSMGE News & Information Circular May 2019

ISSMGE News & Information Circular

May 2019

Please visit the ISSMGE website – for full details of all ISSMGE activities. This circular is also available from the web


Please distribute this Circular widely.

  1. Are We Overdesigning? – A Survey of International Practice

A joint initiative by the CAPG, the YMPG, TC205 – Safety and Serviceability, and TC304 – Risk.  This survey is intended to assess the consistency of calculation models and design methods for a variety of geotechnical structures and, where possible, to compare the results with full-scale tests and reliability analyses.  To participate in the survey please click here

  1. ISSMGE Webinars and Virtual University

The ISSMGE is pleased to announce the delivery of the first course on Unsaturated Soils as part of the virtual university programme. This course, to be delivered by Prof Delwyn Fredlund on 15 May 2019 at 12:00 am (GMT), is composed of six lectures of total duration 260 minutes:

Chapter 1.      Introduction to Unsaturated Soil Mechanics

Chapter 2.      State Variables and their Measurement

Chapter 3.      The Soil-Water Characteristic Curve, SWCC

Chapter 4.      Seepage through Unsaturated Soils

Chapter 5.      Shear Strength of Unsaturated Soils

Chapter 6.      Volume Change & Deformation of Unsaturated Soils

An introduction to each lecture is available from

         Click here for a full list of previously recorded ISSMGE webinars.  Past webinars with a common theme have been grouped together to create courses within the ISSMGE Virtual University and information about these can be found here.

Please note that a couple of webinars in French have been added to the list on the website.

  1. Bulletin

The latest edition of the ISSMGE Bulletin (Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2019) is available from the website from:

  1. ISSMGE Foundation

The next deadline for receipt of applications for awards from the ISSMGE Foundation is the 1st August 2019. Click here for further information on the ISSMGE Foundation.

  1. Conferences

For a listing of all ISSMGE and ISSMGE supported conferences, and full information on all events, including deadlines, please go to the Events page at:  Click here and follow the links to your favourite events.

The following are events that have been added since the previous Circular:


  • 7 ICEGE 2019 – International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering; 17-06-2019 – 20-06-2019

Angelicum Congress, Rome, Italy, 00184; Language: English; Organisers: TC203 and AGI (Italian Geotechnical Society); Contact Information: Susanna Antonielli, Address: AGI – Viale dell’Università 11, Phone: +39 06 4465569, Fax: +39 06 44361035; Email:; Website:

  • First Indian Symposium on Offshore Geotechnics 05-12-2019 – 06-12-2019   

School of Infrastructure, Khordha, India; Language: English; Organiser: Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar and Institute of Engineering and Ocean Technology, ONGC; Contact person: Sumanta Haldar and Shantanu Patra; Address: School of Infrastructure, Phone: +916747136636; Email:; Website:

  • 4th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (4th ICTG); 30-08-2020 – 02-09-2020

Sheraton Grand Chicago, United States; Organizer: Professor Erol Tutumluer, 4th ICTG Chairman and Chair of ISSMGE TC 202; Contact person: Professor Erol Tutumluer; Address: 1205 Newmark CEE Laboratory, MC-250 205 N. Mathews; Phone: +1 (217) 333-8637; Email:; Website: