ISSMGE News & Information Circular January 2018

ISSMGE News & Information Circular

January 2018

Please visit the new-look ISSMGE website – for full details of all ISSMGE activities.


  1. ISSMGE Online Library


The post-conference proceedings of the 19ICSMGE (Seoul) and the proceedings of the ISSMGE Pan-American Regional Conference 2011 (Toronto) have been added to the Online Library. Click ( to access the library.


  1. Webinars


Click here for a full list of previously recorded ISSMGE webinars.


  1. Bulletin


The latest edition of the ISSMGE Bulletin (Volume 11, Issue 6, December 2017) is available from


  1. ISSMGE Foundation


The next deadline for receipt of applications for awards from the ISSMGE Foundation is the 1st  February 2018. Click here for further information on the ISSMGE Foundation.



  1. Conferences


For a listing of all ISSMGE and ISSMGE supported conferences – click here.


The following are events that have been added/upated since the previous Circular:




  • Urban Planning Below the Ground Level: Architecture and Geotechnics, 06-06-2018 – 08-06-2018

Saint Petersburg, The House of Architects, Russia, Organizer: St. Petersburg Council of Architects, ISSMGE ТС 207 «Soil-Structure Interaction and Retaining Walls», Contact person: Eugene Dubinin,   Address: Russia, Izmaylovsky prosp. 4, of. 414,  Phone: +7-812-3393587, Email:, Website:, Email:


  • International Scientific-Technical Conference «Geotechnics Of Belarus:Science And Practice 23-26 October 2018

Minsk, Belarus – Contact person: Tamara Ulasik, Department «Geotechnics and Ecology in Construction», Belarusian National Technical University, Phone: +375 29 329 70 83Email:, Website:; email:


  • 4ème Colloque International Sols Non Saturés & Construction Durable UNSAT Oran 2018, 30-10-2018 – 31-10-2018

Oran, Algeria, Organiser: Université des Sciences et de la Technologie M. Boudiaf d’Oran Faculté d’Architecture et de Génie Civil, Laboratoire Matériaux, Sols et Thermique (LMST) et le réseau UNSAT-DZ,   Contact person: Secrétariat Unsat Oran 2018, Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering USTO-MB, Phone: (+213) (0) 41 62 71 77,  Email:, website :


  • Second JTCWorkshop on Triggering and Propagation of Rapid Flow-Like Landslides, 03-12-2018 – 05-12-2018

University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, Organizer : Joint Technical Committee on Natural Slopes and Landslides (JTC1), The Hong Kong Geotechnical Society, The Geotechnical Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers,  Contact person: Professor Clarence Choi, Address: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Way Bay, Kowloon, Email:


Non-ISSMGE Events


  • The 5th Italian Workshop on Landslides (IWL 2018) – «Rainfall-induced landslide nowcasting for early warning», 28-05-2018 – 30-05-2018

Centro Congressi Federico II , Naples,  Italy.  Organizer:  Luciano Picarelli, Thom Bogaard, Roberto Greco, Gianfranco Urciuoli, Contact person: Technical Secretary: Luca Comegna, Ph.D., Address: Via Roma 29, Phone: +39 081 5010384, Email:, Website:,


  • Fifth World Landslide Forum, 02-11-2020 – 06-11-2020

Kyoto International Conference Center, Japan ;  Website:; Email:



Apologies to those of you getting multiple copies of this circular.


Best wishes,

Paloma Peers