ISSMGE News & Information Circular February 2017


Please visit the new-look ISSMGE website – for full details of all ISSMGE activities.


  1. Elections for the President 2017-2021


Member Societies were sent emails on the 27th September with details on the nomination process for candidates in the upcoming elections for the next President and Regional Vice-presidents (Africa, Asia, Europe, South America) for the next Board (term  Sept 2017 – Sept 2021).  Nominations for President are requested by the 10th April 2017.  Please contact the Secretariat if you would like the email to be resent.


  1. XIX ICSMGE – Seoul, Korea- Registration now open


  1. Deadline of submission of items for the Seoul Council Meeting Agenda


If your member society would like to submit an item for discussion at the next Council Meeting (Seoul, September 2017), please inform Professor Neil Taylor, the Secretary General, at least 6 months before the event, i.e. by the 1st March 2017.  This will allow enough time for the items to be incorporated into the Agenda and Papers.


  1. ISSMGE Foundation


The next deadline for receipt of applications for awards from the ISSMGE Foundation is the 1st May 2017.  Applicants seeking funding to attend either the International Conference or the Young Geotechnical Engineer’s event in Seoul should ensure that their applications are submitted before this deadline. Click here for further information on the ISSMGE Foundation.


  1. ISSMGE Webinars


Speaker Date Title
Helmut Schweiger (Austria) Wed, 15th  February 2017

12:00 (noon) GMT

(followed by a 48 hour-Q&A Session)

An introduction to numerical modelling in geotechnical engineering


Click here for a full list of previously recorded ISSMGE webinars


  1. Technical Committee Database on Website


Member society officers are reminded that the TC database is now online ( and is the definitive source of TC information (Terms of Reference, & Membership lists).  All Member Societies were invited to nominate a representative who would be entrusted with entering the details of their member society’s nominees on the database. If your society does not have such a representative, please contact the Secretariat (


The following are new technical committees established since 2013

TC308 – Energy Geotechnics

TC217 – Land Reclamation

TC218 – Reinforced Fill Structures


  1. ISSMGE Bulletins

To retrieve copies of the ISSMGE Bulletin, please go to


Edition – latest Website
Volume 10, Issue 6

December 2016


  1. Conferences

For a listing of all ISSMGE and ISSMGE supported conferences – click here.


The following are events that have been added/upated since the previous Circular:


    26 – 29 July 2017, Lomé, Togo,
    Contact :  Prof E.M. Kana,


Non-ISSMGE Events



  •  3rd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering » Challenges and Recent Advances in Geotechnical Engineering»28-29 April 2017, Helsinki, Finland,
    Contact: Evren Tekeli,,


Apologies to those of you getting multiple copies of this circular.


Best wishes,

Paloma Peers



Paloma Peers

Administrative Officer

City University

Northampton Square

London EC1V 0HB



Phone: +44 (0)20 7040 8154

Fax: +44 (0)20 7040 8832