ISSMGE News & Information Circular – JUNE 2016


ISSMGE News & Information Circular

June 2016

Please visit the ISSMGE website – for full details of all ISSMGE activities.

  1. Upcoming International Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Conferences

ATTENTION ALL MEMBER SOCIETIES: These conferences are fast approaching and you action may be required.


  • 25th European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference 21- 24 June 2016, Sibiu, Romania. Information:



  • 5th African Young Geotechnical Engineering Conference, 10-12 August 2016, Kumasi, Ghana.  Information:


  1. 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Seoul 2017

ISSMGE Awards to be presented at the 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Seoul 2017

Please note that the call for awards has now been published, and the deadline for nominations is 1st July 2016.  Information can be found on the website at


  • ISSMGE Outstanding Technical Committee Award
  • ISSMGE Outstanding Geotechnical Project Award
  • ISSMGE Outstanding Innovator Award
  • ISSMGE Outstanding Member Society Award
  • ISSMGE Outstanding Paper Published in the International Journal of Geo-Engineering Case Histories Award
  • ISSMGE Outstanding Young Geotechnical Engineer Award (3)
  • ISSMGE Outstanding Public Relations Award


  1. ISSMGE Webinars


Speaker Date Title
Yoshi Iwasaki (Japan) Monday, 27th June 2016

12:00 (noon) GMT

Geotechnical Engineering for Conservation of Heritage.

Click here for a full list of previously recorded ISSMGE webinars


  1. ISSMGE Bulletins

To retrieve copies of the ISSMGE Bulletin, please go to


Edition – latest Website
Volume 10, Issue 2

April 2016


  1. Conferences

For a listing of all ISSMGE and ISSMGE supported conferences – click here.  New conferences/changes since the last circular are listed below:


  • GEO-EXPO 2016 Scientific and Expert Conference, 7-8 October 2016

Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, E-mail: ,,



  • IX Chilean Congress of Geotechnics, 5 – 7 December 2016,

Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, XIV Región de Los Ríos, Chile, E-mail:; Website:


  • 9th International Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, IS – São Paulo 2017, 4 – 6 April 2017

Centro de Convenções Rebouças,São Paulo, SP, Brazil, E-mail:, Website:

  1. ISSMGE Foundation

The next deadline for receipt of applications for awards from the ISSMGE Foundation is the 1st August 2016.  Click here for further information on the ISSMGE Foundation.

Apologies to those of you getting multiple copies of this circular.

 Best wishes,

Paloma Peers