ISSMGE – Call for predictions by April 20th 2015

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are pleased to call for a Class A Prediction Event, where our ability and skills in assessing the load-settlement response of a fully instrumented axially loaded pile will be checked and compared. This initiative is supported by ISSMGE.

A bored pile drilled under bentonite suspension, 24.4 m long and 1.0 m diameter will be tested at the Araquari Experimental Testing Site in SouthernBrazil. An extensive site characterization has been carried out at the site, comprising a variety of in-situ tests (piezocone, dilatometer, SPT, seismic measurements).

All existing information concerning the experimental testing site (soil testing, pile details, instrumentation, integrity testing, etc.) and the instructions for Predictors are available in our website:

The predictions have to be sent by email to before April 20, 2015. A summary of measured and predicted data will be presented (anonymously) in a special Section at SEFE 2015 (VIII Seminário de Engenharia de Fundações Especiais e Geotecnia). The Conference will be held in June 2015 (23th to 25th) in São Paulo (Brazil) and, in that occasion, the best Predictor will be awarded.

Results will be made available to the Geotechnical Community at our website and publicized by ISSMGE.

Predictors are invited to attend and disseminate this stimulating initiative!

Best Regards.

Fernando Schnaid (Coordinator)      Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Leading Team

Alessandro Mandolini, Second University of Napoli

Alexander Kormann, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Edgar Odebrecht, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina

Jarbas Milititsky, ISSMGE – Vice President for South America

Luiz Guilherme F. S. De Mello, Vecttor Projetos